Studio staying busy


The studio has been staying busy here at Production Outfitters. Our space can accommodate most of your studio needs.  Clients from Fox to NBC, to various other Network, Promo, Corporate and even special effects production houses have utilized this flexible shooting space.  Just let us know what look you are going for, and we will have the lights on when you arrive ready to roll.







Breaking Bad Final Season

Now that you've seen the first episode of the final Breaking Bad season, be sure to check out all the cool extras from AMC. 

Don't miss the making of episode 509!  Our behind the scenes team Charlie O'dowd, Gary Marsh and Allan Crawford, are proud to have worked on this inside look at the amazing work of the cast and crew.  Thanks to all of you for letting us be a part of this epic series.


Click here to check out Breaking Bad on our YouTube Channel.

Click here to see more Breaking Bad and others from AMC.










Freelance Camera Crews Albuquerque

Freelance Camera Crews Albuquerque